Just like with Points, curves can be created within Grasshopper or connected from Rhino.

This section includes the following nodes under the Geometry category.

in grasshopper → Params/Geometry

For each of these nodes Circle Circular Arc Line Rectangle, we can create data directly within the node just like with points, ⚠️ but we cannot connect data from Rhino!

<aside> 💡 Creating geometry through the Set one... menu


However, this is not a big problem because we have the Curve node where we can connect any curves we created in Rhino.

In the image, we can see multiple curves connected to one node. This is done through the node menu → Set Multiple Curve. This function works the same way as Set One Curve but allows you to connect multiple objects from Rhino.

⚠️ We will discuss working with multiple objects in detail in the Lists section.


Let's talk about some nodes for creating different curves. The main section of interest is Primitive.

in grasshopper → Curve/Primitive


The Line node creates a line segment (a portion of a straight line bounded by two points).

